Make A Great First Impression with your Reception Area

 First impressions are important in many situations. Whether it’s meeting a person for the first time, visiting the workspace of a potential client or customer, or going in for an initial consultation with a medical professional, your introductory reaction to a person and their physical space is likely to be a lasting one. In all honesty, the first meeting may be the biggest factor when deciding if there’s potential for a lasting relationship or not. And while we all may agree that people are the biggest part of this equation in most situations, when it comes to business, office furniture and the space it occupies are the first things to catch the eye and is therefore an extremely important variable of any first impression.

In nearly every office you’ve ever set foot in, take a few steps and you’re standing directly in front of a reception desk or reception counter. This space, basically the front window of your business, is the most important because it will be encountered by every guest, client, or employee.   The reception desk you choose is probably the biggest factor in conveying professionalism, and may permanently set the image of your company that visitors carry with them.

Choosing the Right Reception Desk

You need to choose a desk for your receptionist that conveys organization, confidence and openness. These attributes alone are very telling when considering if a business will be able to handle relations, employment or services offered in a way that is satisfactory or not. That means a clean and tidy workspace. And a wood finish that screams strength and longevity would also be an important thing to have in mind when evaluating this important piece of office furniture.

If you’ve been shopping around online, you’ve undoubtedly seen dozens of options for reception desks. And while you may believe that they’re all alike, remember that the reception desk or counters are the first thing a new visitor will encounter once they step into your office.