Find Out About Rattan Today and Have Your Property Filled With Rattan In No Time

Have you been inquisitive of Rattan furniture but are simply not sure of what it is? Natural Rattan is the name given to a tremendous variety of palms which mature in warm areas of the world such as Africa, Asia and Australasia. The palms grow to an incredible length at an unbelievably fast pace. These vine-like ascending plants can reach hundreds of feet in height. 

Rattan offers an easier option of harvest in fact it’s easier to harvest than the forests in which they mature – ensuring that Rattan plants are a more environmentally friendly option. Rattan is a well-liked choice for furniture and baskets and is utilised worldwide. The use of Rattan in the production of furniture will considerably assist in Forest maintenance as no sooner is it cut, it is substituted for new development, enabling a more workable option in comparison to wood. 

When considering purchasing natural rattan furniture for your home, there are a number of factors to consider in order to attain the highest quality achievable. For instance, the stem of the Rattan should be at least 1.5 inches think. In addition, it should not have any strands hanging from the wood or splits, nor should it be rough to the touch. Overall, the colour of the Rattan should be the completely even. So, when purchasing your Rattan furniture, be sure to remember that the appearance of the Rattan will impact on the price you pay, whilst the dimensions of the stem, will indicate its strength. For further assistant, do refer to the Rattan grading, which A-C. A is the greatest in quality, whilst C is the lesser quality. 

Rattan is an elegant choice of furniture for the home, but it’s not quite durable enough to withstand the outdoor elements. This is why synthetic Rattan garden furniture has been created, allowing you to enjoy the sophistication that rattan home furniture brings, but with waterproof and UV resilient qualities ensuring a long-lasting material for outdoor garden furniture. 

There is a wide array of benefits to owning Rattan garden furniture, whether you choose Natural rattan or Synthetic Rattan. Not only does it look fabulous, but also the material (both Natural and Synthetic) is incredibly flexible and can therefore ensure a variety of styles and designs to select from. With Natural Rattan you can be assured that this raw material can be easily re-planted therefore reducing the harmful effect of de-forestation on the environment. Additionally, Rattan promises great value for money – be it Rattan chairs, Rattan dining sets or Rattan daybeds and loungers – you can be assured a product that will allow you many years of enjoyable and comfortable pleasure both indoors (Natural Rattan) and outdoors (Synthetic Rattan).