Your Best Choice When it Comes to Sending Bulk Mail from Mac

To send mass email Mac machine can be used. It was very hard to find any mass mailer that would work on Mac up until recently, but now the situation changed. Now you can find dozens of mass mailers for Mac OS platform. There are also good and bad mass mailers, and it would be an advantage to be aware of which one is the best, but we will find it out later in this post. For the moment, lets just focus on what mass email can really do and how you can use it from Mac.

Mass email is a message that is sent to a large group of people called email list. If people will like it, people will usually subscribe to your email list and may leave it anytime they like by unsubscribing from it. Mass email messages oftens contain macros in addition to text in order to reference recipient personal details just like name, birthday, order number and so on. Mass email Mac machine resolves macros while sending it as a unique messages with recepients name and other personal details on it, as if it was sent personally using a regular email client.

It will look spammy and it will usually ignored by people if you send the same message to all your recipients. Hence you will increase open rate by referencing personal information in your messages.

Using a regular email program would not obviously able you to send thousands of personalized messages. You have to use a mass mailer, and you have to send mass email messages instead of regular email messages.

With only one difference, mass email messages look like a regular message. Macros such as RECIPIENTNAME or ORDERNUMBER are used by Mass email message, that why it’s frequently called message template. These macros will be replaced by email message Mac machine with real information taken from recipient database, and in this way your recipient will receive the unique regular message from mass email messages.

You may take a look at the following examples of mass email message (message template)


Dear Mark!
Thanks for placing your order iPhone on December 12, 2010.
All the best Michael.
I want to point out as well that there are only few mass mailers for Mac that support message templates. Recipients will just receive the same messages for most of them, which means that your mass messages will always land up in Junk folders.

I found out that only few Mass Mailer for Mac can support message templates, offers a vesatile database, automates subscription, unsubsciption and bad address removal, after I tried using some mass mailers for Mac.

Prior to sending mass email Mac Mass Mailer will check your website for:

New clients willing to join your list.
Requests for unsubscription
Bounce backs resulting from dead addresses.
And then it adds new people and removes those that are either dead or wish to unsubscribe your message as it updates. Mass email messages will be send right away after Mac Mailer has updated your database. So that only those who want and can receive your messages will surely receive them.