Color Blocking Fashion Techniques For Girls

Color blocking can be a bit scary sometimes and can seem really complicated. Nevertheless, color blocking doesn’t have to be complicated and it doesn’t have to be hard. Color blocking really should make dressing well even easier and simpler to do. Unfortunately, most folks tend to over analyze simple tasks and for this reason, color blocking becomes hard.

I wrote this article so that people could learn the simple and easy methods I use when color blocking my day-to-day outfits. I’ll talk about using the color wheel properly so that you’ll never have to guess what colors go well together again.

Firstly, you have to recognize that it is almost impossible to properly color block without a good color wheel. A good color wheel will help you make quick decisions and will simply make the whole process much easier. Many people make the mistake of trying to color block without the use of the color wheel. Color blocking without a color wheel is a mistake.

Where To Find A Good Color Wheel

Finding a good color wheel is not very difficult at all. The easiest way to go about getting one is to simply find one online that you can print out. You can also visit one of the many retail blog to find a nice color wheel. These sites give all sorts of information on fashion and some of them are bound to have color blocking tips that you can use.

Once you have your color wheel in hand, the easiest way to go about color blocking is to just use neighboring colors. An example of this would be pairing up a yellow shirt with a nice pair of lime green pants. Since these colors are right next to each other on the color wheel, you know they’ll look good together. Just remember that if you don’t look good in yellow then no amount of color blocking will fix that.

A more advanced step to take is to use colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel. This kind of combination makes use of complimentary colors. A good example of this would be a black pair of pants and an orange shirt paired off together.

If you’d like to add a third color, you can do so by matching up three neighboring colors together, two neighboring colors with a neutral color, or two complimentary colors with a neutral color. These combinations can be done with multicolored shirts or with the addition of your shoes, belts, and other accessories. Jewelry such as bracelets and collar necklaces do a great job at bringing outfits together. These items can always be had at great prices at flash sale web sites for women .

Putting It All Together

One way to tie everything together is through the use of neutral accessories. Neutral accessories like monochrome jewelry and solid colored belts can tone down a very loud outfit. This means that you can prominently color block at work with a nice set of neutral accessories. When you clock out and head to happy hour, you’ll just have to change out your accessories for a more pronounced “party look”.