Flash Sales Combined With High Profile Promoting

Celebrity marketing has been great for the fashion industry. In fact, it is so lucrative that many designers will actually pay celebrities to wear their clothing. The reason for this is that a big celebrity might be seen by millions of people in one day. The folks that watch these celebrities want to dress, look, and act like these celebrities. As a result, many clothes are sold without any traditional marketing methods. The problem is that sometimes celebrities wear a certain brand without knowledge of the designer. Immediately afterward, a flood of people want to buy the clothing, but don’t have a venue to buy it from.

This is a great problem for a clothing retailer to have, but it is a problem. Needless to say, the designer also has to address the fact that they probably don’t have enough stock in their inventory to make up for a big bulk surprise sale, but that can be addressed through backorders. The true secret here is to make certain that the folks that want to buy can make their purchases prior to losing interest. This is especially true during one of those crazy fads we often see movie stars and musicians create and then toss away after only a few weeks time.

Some examples are daisy dukes, hammer pants, and men’s platform shoes. Alright, these are really bad examples, but they did make many fashion designers a big pile of cash. Just imagine if they could have sold these products on a flash sale at the time. One big flash sale and they could have become overnight millionaires.

Flash sale sites can help with this. A designer that notices they are quickly gaining more and more interested customers can reach out to the flash sale sites. They can then place their hot items in the flash sales to help facilitate more purchases. Flash sale sites love these kinds of markets and are usually equipped to handle large increases in volume. In fact, many of the great flash sales for women cater to these kinds of markets on a regular basis.

Many people keep an eye on these sites just to see what is striking lightning at any given time. These people want to make sure that they are always “in the know” when it comes to fashion and they’ll come back to flash sites regularly.

Many flash sales blog have sprung up around these types of flash sale sites and spend all of their time buying from them and promoting them. For those of you that like to keep abreast of the current trends, I suggest you take a look at some flash sites now.

Also, if you’re a clothing retailer or fashion designer, you really want to make friends with a few fashion flash sale site owners. This will put you in a good position to take advantage of any celebrity marketing that you haven’t solicited. You’ll be able to quickly get your product up on a variety of sites so that you can capitalize on the new visibility that your product and your brand might receive.